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Would you like to be a Dispensing Optician team member at Lynne Fernandes Optometrists?


Contact our Director of Operations and Employee Experience, Kerri Fitton

 [email protected]

Please include a short summary of your experience and aspirations, and your up to date CV. We'll treat your enquiry with the strictest confidence, and get in touch directly.

What tips would you give to others who want to become a dispensing optician at LFO?

Kerri - Come in with your eyes wide open and be prepared to learn more than you think you’ll need to. The opportunities are massive.

Becky - Get yourself into a great independent optician where you’re well supported. Then undertake a distance learning course with ABDO college. I thoroughly enjoyed my time training and feel it’s the best way to learn alongside working in practice.



Why should a Dispensing Optician aspire to work at Lynne Fernandes Optometrists?

Kerri - So many, there is no ceiling to development at LFO. I joined to be Dispensing Optician manager of a small practice. Over 15 years, I've been allowed and encouraged to develop to be Operations Manager of a great local independent company that's recognised nationally. The excitement about coming to work is still this space

Beth - I've worked in management roles for national chains previously. This is the best, most enjoyable position I've had. I'm supported, encouraged and looked after. Cut me open and I have LFO in my heart

Becky – Being company trainer: I’ve been given objectives, but I’m trusted to train in the way I feel best. I've earned this trust after 15 years: first as a trainee DO, qualifying, managing Wells Road, then Gloucester Road, now to my current role.

It’s a fantastic place to work, I enjoy every day, and would recommend it to anyone who has a passion for optics.


At LFO, we passionately believe the professionalism and enthusiasm of great Dispensing Opticians is vital to our business.

Send Kerri Fitton an e-mail today at [email protected] to find out more about working here.

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