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Contact Lenses for Keratoconus

There are a variety of contact lenses that can help you see more clearly and comfortably if you have keratoconus.

A keratoconic cornea is irregular in shape. If you stand to the side of someone without keratoconus and look at their eye, you might see that their cornea- the clear part at the front of the eye, is curved evenly. If you look from the same perspective at a keratoconic cornea, you might well see an uneven curve, or even a little bulge, often on the lower half of the cornea. This means that, when wearing spectacles, you might experience glare, distortions or lines in your vision. Contact lenses can help reduce these side effects of keratoconus.

We fit a wide range of contact lenses for keratoconus vision, in our Bristol Contact Lens Clinic, from monthly soft toric lenses to rigid gas permeable lenses, to Kerasoft and Rose K, to Mini -Sclerals. Book an appointment for an eye examination and contact lens fit to discuss the pros and cons of each lens and the best solution for your individual eye shape and curvature.


How to Apply & Remove a Mini Scleral Lens

Mini Scleral Lenses

A mini scleral lens is a rigid gas-permeable contact lens around 16-17mm in diameter. It sits proud of the cornea and limbus entirely and rests on the sclera, the white of the eye. Because it vaults the cornea, it masks any irregularity on the front surface of the eye, enabling the wearer to see more clearly. The greater the degree of keratoconus, the steeper the curve of the lens required. The lens is comfortable because it does not touch the cornea at all. When the lens is on the eye, you are aware of the lens, but it is comfortable.

Mini scleral lenses are a good choice for other eye conditions too, such as pellucid marginal degeneration or keratoglobus. They can also help post-surgical eyes with a residual prescription, such as eyes that have had lasik, lasek, PRK or corneal grafts. They can also be used for severe dry eyes such as Sjogren’s Syndrome, Steven Johnson Syndrome, GVHD and atopic keratoconjunctivitis.

We fit the Bausch & Lomb Zenlens in our practices with great success. People find it comfortable, and it often provides a significant improvement in their vision.

Corneal Cross-Linking

If you feel your keratoconus is progressing, book an appointment for an assessment and corneal topography. You may then be referred for cross-linking which slows or even stops progression of keratoconus.

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