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What is Wet and Dry Macular Degeneration?

There are two conditions associated with age related macular degeneration (AMD) – Dry AMD and Wet AMD.

Dry AMD is a slow, progressive condition that affects the central retina (that sends signals from the optic nerve to the brain) or macular (part of the retina) which is responsible for most of our central vision and our ability to see in colour. It can develop into the more serious form of the condition called Wet AMD, which, if left untreated could cause central vision sight loss.

Having regular reviews of your eye health through eye examinations is key to monitor dry AMD and to detect Wet AMD as it is important to treat it as quickly as possible should it develop.

If I have Dry or Wet AMD what are the benefits of joining the EyeSense plan?

The key benefits are:

  • EyeSense helps you to manage your eye care and it will provide you with an in-depth and tailor-made review of your eye health
  • Peace of mind and communication: retinal clinics in eye hospitals are very busy and it can be hard to find the time to ask questions. We are experienced in treatment and management options and will be able to take the time to explain what is happening with your care.
  • By regularly reviewing your condition it helps to detect any changes earlier and therefore offer any treatment more quickly
  • A Sita Fast threshold visual fields test – this computer based test focuses on your peripheral vision (the part of your eyesight outside of your main gaze) and then it looks at your whole vision to check for any aspects that might not be functioning as they should be. If these tests are carried out frequently the computer learns about your responses and can provide more accurate readings.
  • Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) – this looks at the pressure in the eye which is an important indicator of any changes (due to eye conditions) that have occurred. During the test, a mild anaesthetic eye drop is given and then a blue light is shone into the eye.
  • Dilation and imaging - By dilating the pupil we can more accurately see the internal structures of the eye (including the macular which is key for those at risk of AMD) to assess any changes. It takes about 20 minutes to work and is carried out by putting dilating drops into the eye.
  • OCT - this scans through and underneath the retina (like an eye MRI). We build up scans over time to allow the Trend software to highlight changes that one off tests would miss.
  • Central visual fields test (Humphrey Visual field machine) - This tests how well the nerve fibres in your retina as working. The results are analysed by a computer and compared. As you do more of these tests the computer effectively learns about your responses and provides more and more accuracy.
  • Amsler check-This test checks for any distortion in your vision. - After these extensive tests we will tailor make a management plan for your eye health needs. However, should you ever need to see us or ask us a question you are always welcome to book an appointment at any time.

EyeSense for AMD starts at £7pcm. For more information please contact us.

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